Just over 600 birds left with their own dinner spoons


Why there are only 600 or so birds left that carry their own spoons Why there are only 600 or so birds left that carry their own spoons What are the spoons that the birds carry?

Importance of natural environment protection


As mankind develops its society, the natural environment has been damaged. Many plants and animals have been ruthlessly cut down, natural resources have been abused, and air and water have been polluted, leaving the natural environment in a dangerous condition. Therefore, the conservation of natural environment becomes more and more important to avoid more destruction.

Protect the environment, start with me


Ecological civilization construction is related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation of the millennium plan, let's come together to learn some daily low-carbon environmental protection common sense, do ecological civilization construction practitioners, and work together to build a low-carbon life, for the construction of a beautiful China to contribute to their own strength!

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